Aspose.Task to save project into Project Server (C# .NET)

This solution is not accepted by my Infrastructure Team here, also disabling the security settings is something which I cannot insists my customers to do as well, after we release this feature in our product.

Please suggest me some other approach here.

Thank you.


I have added your feedback in our issue tracking system and will get back to you as soon as further feedback will be shared by team.


I have updates to share regarding issue TASKSNET-4118. We have made progress in our investigation and like to inform that, current login+password authentication cannot be considered as enterprise-level solution. We performed a thoughtful investigation and found that Project Online endpoint that we use to retrieve data from Project Online doesn’t support modern (non-legacy) authentication flows and uses old-style Sharepoint authentication. Maybe Microsoft will fix that issue in future.

On the other hand, Microsoft Project Desktop client can access Project Online using modern authorization, but it uses non-public API and we cannot reproduce the protocol yet. We plan to investigate that scheme further in one of future releases.