Aspose.Tasks ProjectReader.Read() Error


I am trying to repeat the issue on my side with some new files but still unfortunately.

Could you try to delete all resources’ and tasks’ information, maybe except project summary task (root task), from the problem files and try to read the truncated files by Aspose.Tasks?

You can see how the problems can be different and how deep located in the files’ formats, so we are not able to repeat or recreate the issues on our side sometimes. Any help is highly appreciated.

I have tried all of that and I still get the same error. If I had to take a guess at what the problem is I would say that there is a duplicate definition for an extended attribute or outline code somewhere in the MSProject file, either at the definition level or task level. I have included an example file called "Duplicate Key Error.mpp" in the attachement.

I also found another error in a different file. Use the Aspose_Test_1.mpp in the attachment for testing

Project reading exception.

Reading project data in 'MPP9' format, created by 'MSP2003' started.
Reading project's calendars information started.
Calendar with UID='282' was read successfully.
... Many Calendars ...
Calendar with UID='1' was read successfully.
Reading calendars finished.
Reading extended attributes definitions started.
Reading extended attributes definitions finished.
Reading project's outline codes started.
Reading project's outline codes finished.
Reading common project data started.
Reading common project data finished.
Reading project's tasks started.
Reading tasks variable data started.
Reading tasks variable data finished.
Reading tasks fixed data started.
Reading tasks fixed data finished.
Reading task with UID='2028' started.
Task with UID='2028' was read successfully.
... Many Tasks ...
Reading task with UID='1790' started.

Inner Exception Message:
Value was either too large or too small for a Decimal.


Thank you a lot for the data, now I can repeat the errors on my side.

We are going to resolve the issue in this month release (next week or end of June).

Sorry for inconvenience.


We did not fixed the Decimal value problem in the Aspose.Tasks 3.0.0 release (hope that the ‘302 key problem’ is resolved now). I think we have to resolve the issue with damaged files in common case. Now it is resolved for enumerations and strings, we have problem with decimal values and I can expect the same with dates and durations.

So I have created a new issue ‘Ignore incorrect values in damaged project’s files.’ with ID = 17640 and linked it to this forum thread. We are going to resolve the issue in our July release (end of July).

Sorry for inconvenience.

Hi Chris,

Unfortunatelly the issue “Ignore incorrect values in damaged project’s files.” with ID=17640 now is resolved for all cases except Double/Decimal values. We have a problem with a project reading performance as checking ALL values before reading takes more time than reading in most cases.

We will try to remove the problem in our next release but I am not 100% sure that we can.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 17640) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by aspose.notifier.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.