Aspose.Total 2.2: How to insert a line break


I’m using the com.aspose.pdf.Pdf.bindFo(xmlStream, xslStream) method, and I’m trying to insert a line break in the xmlStream content.
I have tried the Java newline character (\n) but it is not creating a new line in the PDF that is rendered.

What is the correct way to do this?

Also, I can’t seem to find the correct documentation for the Pdf class.
When I look at the online documentation for Aspose.Pdf for java,
the Javadocs for the Pdf class don’t include a “bindFo” method.

Is this the correct documentation for the product I am using?:
Aspose.Total for Java|Documentation


Hello Jonathan,

Thanks for using our products.

In order to place LineBreak, please try using #$NL. For more information, please visit Replaceable Symbols

I think you might be using some older version of Aspose.Pdf for Java as in latest release version 2.9.0, BindFO feature is not available. Can you please share which version you are using. We apologize for your inconvenience.

When I open the manifest file in aspose.pdf.jar, I see the following:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.0
Created-By: 1.4.2-b28 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)

Does that mean I’m using version 1.0?

Wait…I found the version.
It’s buried in the middle of the manifest file:

Name: Aspose.Pdf for Java
Specification-Title: Aspose.Pdf for Java
Specification-Vendor: Aspose Pty Ltd
Implementation-Title: Aspose.Pdf for Java
Implementation-Vendor: Aspose Pty Ltd
Copyright: Copyright 2005 Aspose Pty Ltd
Release-Date: 2008.02.28

Could you please provide me the documentation for this version?


Hello Jonathan,

Thanks for sharing the information. You may find the product documentation for this specific version under doc folder in product package. Please access index.html and find respective information from left tree. In case you still face any issue or I can be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact. We apologize for your inconvenience.

Which jar are you talking about?
I don’t see a product package in aspose.pdf.jar, which is the only jar I have access to at present.

would it be possible to send me a zip file of the documentation?
