Aspose.Total Licence


We purchased Aspose.Total Licence (Developer Small Business) on 23/11/2018 for our Window Service. Since the purchase, we have been using the licence without problems until we went live.

We have one Window service installed on Test with the licence, and same window service on Live. Both services are on same physical location.

Once we started the service on Live, we started getting the following error messages on test, so it seems like that both services running in parallel causing issue with licence, not sure why?

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at .(Stream )
at .(String , Assembly )
at Aspose.Pdf.License.SetLicense(String licenseName)

So, we had to shut off the window service on test to avoid impacting live service. But ideally we want both services to be running, as we are always upgrading our services hence require testing on Test service before going live.

We are embedding the licence as resource as per the instructions given on aspose site.

Aspose.Pdf.License pdfLic = new Aspose.Pdf.License();
pdfLic.Embedded = true;

Aspose.Words.License wordLic = new Aspose.Words.License();

Aspose.PDF and Aspose.Words are the main core elements that are being utilised by our window service.

We need to identify why this issue is happening, so any help or recommendation will be greatly appreciated as we want to start our test service asap.

Erum Ahsan


We need to check what comes under “Developer Small Business” license and then look into the error message. We will update you about our findings here soon.


We have looked into the issue, it seems that you are setting license multiple time. It is suggested to set the license only once in Global.asax file in application_start method. In case the issue persists, please forward us a sample project demonstrating the issue along with license file. We will look into it and update you about our findings.