Aspose Word Document API for python

Hi Aspose Team,

I 'm exploring the Aspose word. I have checked on GitHub and I can find the Aspose Java for pyhton plugin. Here is the link which I’m referring.

My questions are following.

  1. Is the all functionalities of Aspose.word Java present in Aspose_Words_Java_for_Python?
  2. Can I accept or reject all track changes using Aspose.word Java?
  3. Can I accept or reject all track changes using Aspose_Words_Java_for_Python?
  4. Can I find and replace the content of doc and docx file?
  5. Can I preserve the style of content even after replacing the content using
    Aspose_Words_Java_for_Python and Aspose.word Java? For example : if word ‘ABC’ is in bold and I want to replace it with word ‘PQR’ but when I
    replace ABC with PQR, PQR should be automatically appeared in bold style like ‘PQR’.
    So I want to replace content without modifying the style of the original content. Is it possible?


Thanks for your inquiry.

The project Aspose.Words for Python shows how different tasks can be performed using Aspose.Words Java APIs in Python. This project does not contain all examples of Aspose.Words for Java examples.

You can use Aspose.Words for Java 19.1 with Java and Python. You can accept and reject the track changes and find and replace content using Aspose.Words for Java 19.1. Please refer to the following Java articles.
Find and Replace
Manage Tracking Changes

Yes, you can achieve this requirement by implementing IReplacingCallback interface. In IReplacingCallback.replacing, you need to move the cursor to the matched node, insert the desired content and remove matched nodes. Please check the code examples in above ‘Find and Replace’ article.