Aspose.Word.PleaseReportException: Expected header drawing

Aspose.Word Folk,
I receiving the following error message while trying saving a word file. :

Aspose.Word.PleaseReportException: Expected header drawing, but got something else. For free technical support, please post this error and the file in the Aspose.Word Forums [](/forums/ShowForum.aspx?ForumID=75 "/forums/ShowForum.aspx?ForumID=75").
at ?.?.?()
at ?.?.?()
at ?.?.?()
at ?.?.Save(Document document, Stream stream, String fileName)

Attached to this post is the file I was trying to save.

I was using is the following code:

Public Shared Sub CreateWordTemplate(ByVal wordFilePath As String, ByVal wordTemplateFilePath As String)
Dim myLicense As Aspose.Word.License = New Aspose.Word.License
Dim myDocument As New Aspose.Word.Document(wordFilePath)
Dim maxCnt As System.Int32 = wordDocument.CustomDocumentProperties.Count()
Dim cnt As System.Int32
For cnt = maxCnt - 1 To 0 Step -1
Dim prop As Aspose.Word.DocumentProperty = wordDocument.CustomDocumentProperties(cnt)
wordDocument.Save(wordTemplateFilePath, Aspose.Word.SaveFormat.FormatDocument)
End Sub


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