Aspose.words 4.2.5 IIS 7 / Windows 2008 RC2

we want to upgrade our application server to Windows 2008 RC 2. Today, we use windows 2003 Server.
We have installed Word 2003 and copy all files of our .NET application.

If we create an document via Aspose.Excel there are no problems, but if we want to create a word document we get an error.
The error is “file is corrupted an cannot be loaded”
The error appears if we create a new object (Aspose.Words.Document) with a memory stream. If i save the memory stream to harddisk i have a non corrupted file.
Have someone an idea ? we need more rights if we use the iis 7 ? We need to configure the uac ?
Please no answer like “buy the newest version”. We have all old components installed like word 2003 and it works on our Windows 2003 servers.
best regards


Thanks for your inquiry. The problem like this might occur for two reasons:

  1. Stream contains a corrupted document. In this case, if you save a document to disk and try to open the file using Aspose.Words, you will get the same error.
    If so, please attach this file here for testing we will check it and provide you more information.

  2. Your stream is corrupt. For example, position of the stream is not zero. In this case, Aspose.Words just cannot recognize a file as a valid document and throws an exception.

In such case, you can create a simple application, which will allow us t reproduce the problem.
Best regards.