Aspose.Words 9.2 - How to set PdfExportFloatingTables and PdfExportImagesFolder (as in 9.1)


Up until Aspose.Words I used the following code for PDF conversion:

document.SaveOptions.PdfExportFloatingTables = true;
document.SaveOptions.PdfExportImagesFolder = [folder path];
document.SaveToPdf(0, document.PageCount, stream, new PdfOptions());

Now in the PdfSaveOptions class doesn’t have those options (ExportFloatingTables, ExportImagesFolder). How are these options handled in this case?

I tried to use LegacyPdfSaveOptions{PreserveFloatingTables = true, ImagesFolder = [folder path]}, but doing so causes the generated PDF to be invalid.


Thanks for your inquiry. As you already know we will exclude legacy (old) method of PDF conversion in one of our future versions. PdfExportFloatingTables, PdfExportImagesFolder properties relate to legacy method of PDF conversion and do not have any effect in case of using SaveToPdf method. So your code example works the same way as this code:


Best regards,