Aspose.Words and Websphere 6.1

Hi there,

We are using Websphere When using Aspose.Words 2.4.1, we encounter the following error when performing a mail merge:

java.lang.NullPointerException at
com.aspose.words.Paragraph.deepClone(Unknown Source) at
com.aspose.words.CompositeNode.deepClone(Unknown Source) at
com.aspose.words.Cell.deepClone(Unknown Source) at
com.aspose.words.CompositeNode.deepClone(Unknown Source) at
com.aspose.words.Row.deepClone(Unknown Source) at
com.aspose.words.CompositeNode.deepClone(Unknown Source) at
com.aspose.words.Table.deepClone(Unknown Source) at
com.aspose.words.CompositeNode.deepClone(Unknown Source) at
com.aspose.words.Story.deepClone(Unknown Source) at
com.aspose.words.CompositeNode.deepClone(Unknown Source) at
com.aspose.words.Section.deepClone(Unknown Source) at Source) at com.aspose.words.kj.a(Unknown
Source) at com.aspose.words.MailMerge.execute(Unknown Source) at
com.aspose.words.MailMerge.execute(Unknown Source) at

In Tomcat, we do not get the error.

Following some advice that I’ve seen here, I disabled JIT on the websphere server and this fixes the issue. However, we cannot leave the JIT Compiler off long-term for performance reasons. We are using JDK 1.5. What else can I do to resolve this issue?


Hi Kim,
This issue will be fixed in the next release. As a temporary workaround I can e-mail you 2.4.1 jar without optimization that will work with IBM’s JIT. Please, send me an e-mail (Contact|Send an Email) so I can reply you with the jar.

Hi Konstantin,
You do not need to ask Kim to send you an email at first. You just click his post’s Contact/Send an Email and then you can attach the jar in the email and then send it out to him.

Hi Ben,
Yes, I know that I can send an email at first. But the mail can be filtered out as a spam on the customer side in that case. So I’m habituated to request the email from other side at first…
But you right: sending the email at first from my side (with parallel notice in forum) is more manufacturable for me and more convenient for customer.

Please, check your email – I have sent you the jar.