Aspose.Words as a potential replacement for Word Automation

I’m evaluating Aspose.Words as a potential replacement for Word Automation.

Currently, I use the Word._Document.InlineShapes object with the
AddOLEObject method to add both AUDIO and PDF files (either as icon or
with PDF image (first page) visible) into the Word document.

Does Aspose.Words offer the possibility of adding a PDF or AUDIO file to
the document as an OLEObject?

I have looked through the forums on your site, but it looks like there
may be some conflicting information - some points to the possibility of
adding an OLEObject, while some other comments seem to demonstrate that
this is not possible.

I suppose the question is, how much of the AddOLEObject Word method is
exposed if any?

Thanks very much for any information you can provide,


Nischom Silverman

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Thank you for considering Aspose.
Unfortunately there is no way to embed OLE objects into MS Word documents using Aspose.Words. You can consider object linking instead.