ASPOSE WORDS BUG? OutofRangeException: Non-Negative Number Required

We’re getting this error more and more often now. I was hoping that there would be a fix available for this bug, but when I download the latest version of the WORDS dll, it kills my license.
What can I do?

Here’s the exact error:
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Non-negative number required.
Parameter name: count
I’m using 5.1.0


Thanks for your inquiry. Could you please provide me your documents and code, which will allow me to reproduce the problem on my side?
Regarding license, every Aspose license carries one-year subscription for free upgrades to new versions released during this time. So, please check the expiration date of your license and upgrade to the newest version. To check an expiration date of your license open the license file using notepad. You will see the following tags:


It means that you can free upgrade to version of Aspose.Words published before 02/18/2009.
If you need to update to the latest version of Aspose.Words, but your license does not allow you to update to this version, you should contact Aspose sales team to renew your license.
Best regards,

The line that produces the error is:

Dim doc As New Document(docname)

I have also attached the document that it dies on.


Thanks for your request. I managed to reproduce the problem on my side. You will be notified as soon as it is resolved. But you should note, the document is corrupted and MS Word does some repairs during opening it. As a workaround you can try open/save your document in MS Word.
Best regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 11535) have been fixed in this update.

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