I know there is a version Aspose.Words .NET Xamarin.ios, unfortunately I cannot find a way to package the Xamarin.ios as standalone Xcode library for my Native IOS Project.
Currently my Native IOS Project consumes a few C++ library, I am wondering whether Aspose.Words C++ can be directly used?
Unfortunately, you can currently not work with Aspose.Words for C++ API over macOS. But, we are going to add support for macOS (and iOS) platform (most likely during Q3-Q4 2019). Your thread has been linked to the appropriate issue (WORDSCPP-735) and you will be notified via this thread as soon as iOS is supported. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Thank you for your information, I am exciting about the new roadmap of IOS support.
Will revisit again in 2019 Q4.
Sure, we will also inform you via this thread as soon as iOS is supported by Aspose.Words for C++ API.