Aspose.Words Digital Signature

Just wanted to know whether Aspose.Words support adding digital signature to word documents?
Hi Ravi,

Thanks for your inquiry. Unfortunately, currently, there is no way to insert Signature Line into a Word document using Aspose.Words. Your request has been linked to the appropriate issues (WORDSNET-656 and WORDSNET-2852) in our issue tracking system. Your request has been linked to these issues and you will be notified as soon as this feature is supported. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Moreover, please note that Aspose.Words supports documents with digital signatures and provides access to them allowing you to detect and validate digital signatures on a document and sign a generated PDF document with a supplied certificate. At the present time digital signatures are supported on DOC, OOXML and ODT documents. Signing of generated documents is supported in PDF format. For more details, please read the articles mentioned in the following page:

Best regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-2852;WORDSNET-656) have been fixed in this .NET update and this Java update.

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