Aspose.Words for C++ memory-leaking under MFC-Application

I’m testing the Aspose.Words for C++ for possible use with evaluation version.
Under Visual Studio 2019, I generate a project as MFC-Application(exe-mode),with MFC-DLL linked statically, it links and runs well,but memory-leaking is detected, Aspose.Words C++ cann’t support this kind of uses? or it conflicts with MFC?

@penultimate Could you please create and attach a sample project that will allow us to reproduce the problem? We will check the issue and provide you more information. (133.5 KB)
Visual Studio 2019,中文环境。在 CAsposeWords.h 头文件中定义了一个宏:ASPOSEWORDS_WORKING,如果这个宏定义了,就使用简单的 Aspose.Words 功能形成一个 doc 文档,在Debug配置下,会有内存泄漏;如果把这个宏注释掉,就和Aspose.Words没有任何关系,不会有内存泄漏。

@penultimate Thank you for additional information. I have logged this issue as WORDSCPP-1144, we will let you know once there are any news regarding it.

@penultimate We have completed analyzing the issue. The leak detection message is false positive.

The described issue is a false positive, which is often happens with MFC applications that use external DLL libraries.
To fix such false positive messages the external DLL library should be built with the same settings as MFC Application and with special changes for the memory leak detection engine.
You can safely use Aspose.Words for C++ and ignore these messages.

thank you for your professional reply!