Aspose Words Mailmerge showing numeric value with 4 decimal places


I am using Aspose.Words to do a mailmerge that includes a number such as 1000. On my development machine the correct format shows up in the MS Word document (no decimal places); however, when I ran the code in the production server it formats the number with 4 trailing decimal places such as 1000.0000. My development machine is Windows XP Pro SP2. The production server is Windows 2003. The number are stored in a SQL Server 2000 database. When I debug the code (C#) the debugger shows that I am passing a string without decimal places to the Aspose component. I don’t believe this is an Aspose issue, but if you can help me out I would be grateful. Your knowledge of MS Word is probably a lot better than mine and maybe you can help. Thanks in advance


Please check the culture settings, especially number formatting. They may differ on your production and development machines. Also check document templates. Cultural setting in documents can sometimes result in differnet number formatting. If the template is the same in both environments, then it is most probably machine culture settings to blame.