Aspose.Words Merging word documents to PDF format produced unexpected bullet list style

We encountered an issue when creating PDF document from merging several Word documents.
After conversion generated pdf has different style (numbered list) in the tables of the 1st document
whereas bulleted list is expected, the style is “B3_ Bullet L1 (BODY STYLES)”.
Interestingly, merging the same documents into Word document produced proper result.
It can be observed starting from page 4 of 28 of generated PDF. Note that merged Word document contains bullet list as expected.

Attached is the zip archive (929.5 KB) containing the following:

  • 000910 Document1.docx; 000920 Document2.docx; 000930 Document3.docx ; 000970 Document7.docx - input Word documents ;
  • 24_1_Output_910_920_930_970.pdf and
  • 24_1_Output_910_920_930_970.doc - merged and saved to PDF and DOCX output formats (used Aspose.Word for Java version 24.1);
  • - small test program illustrating the issue;
  • WordToPdf_expected_actual.png - screenshot comparing expected PDF page (on the left) versus actual (on the right).

Environment Details:

  • Aspose Words for Java 24.1 (the same result produced under latest version 24.6)
  • Java version 1.8.0_411
  • Windows 11 Pro OS (also reproducible under Linux7).

Please let us know if some workaround can be applied to resolve this issue.
Thank you. (929.5 KB)

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): WORDSNET-27209

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

As a workaround you can remove baseDoc.cleanup(); method call from your code. In this case the list looks fine in the rendered PDF document.

Thanks for the workaround, that resolved the issue for now. Will wait for the permanent resolution.

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Hello team.
Just wondering what the status of the Issue ID: WORDSNET-27209 is?
Thank you.

@oraspose The issue is already resolved in the current codebase. The fix is will be included into the next 24.9 version of Aspose.Words. We will keep you update and let you know once it is published.

Thanks for the update!

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The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-27209) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for Java 24.9 update.