Aspose.Words to create PDF for commercial Printing

We are using Aspose.Words to create PDFs and want to send the PDF to a commercial printer. What settings are relevant for creating PDFs for printing. Our printer uses SnakePDF to enlarge the PDF. Can we accomplish the same through Aspose? How do we insert photos in the PDF using Aspose.Words. Finally, we have an old installed version of 15.0. Is it worth upgrading to the lastest version?


We suggest you to please always use the latest version of Aspose.Words for .NET as it contains latest fixes and enhancements/new features.

By default, Aspose.Words tries to mimic the way the Microsoft Word’s page layout engine works. To you, this means that if you convert a Microsoft Word document into PDF, XPS or print it using Aspose.Words, the output will appear almost exactly as if it was done by Microsoft Word.

You can use the PdfSaveOptions Class to specify additional options when saving a document into the PDF format. For example, the PdfSaveOptions.ColorMode and PdfSaveOptions.ImageColorSpaceExportMode properties might be useful for printing PDFs.

Aspose.Words can only insert images into Word documents:

Document doc = new Document("E:\\temp\\Input.docx");
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
PdfSaveOptions opts = new PdfSaveOptions();
opts.ImageColorSpaceExportMode = PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode.SimpleCmyk;
doc.Save("E:\\temp\\19.1.pdf", opts);

If you want to insert photos in PDF file and manipulate PDF files, please use Aspose.PDF for .NET API.
Add and Delete Images - PDF files