Aspose.Words to PDF and xhtml

A while back I was told by you guys that Aspose.Words would soon be able to export out a Word Document created with your product as a PDF, without having to purchase a full license for Aspose.PDF as well as Aspose.Words.
Also, I am interested to know if Aspose.Words can also save as valid xhtml?
Cheers :slight_smile:

We are currently working on the embedded PDF converter. But I cannot promise you any particular date.
XHTML is already supported as we save HTML compliant to XHTML. Have you found any inconsistencies? Sorry if so. Please give me an example to investigate and fix.

You said ‘But I cannot promise you any particular date’ about 3-4 months ago.
You must have some idea? 2007? 2008…2010?..2020?
I dont want to in sult you by simplifing the issue; but surely you have everything you need (e.g. the code) in Aspose.PDF
This would be a really great feature to have?

Yes, you are absolutely right in your criticism. The rendering engine is delayed for more than a year now and several dealines were already broken. That is due to a number of reasons and one of them is the complexity and the scope of the task. It is not just the question of copying the Aspose.Pdf code. The rendering engine we are working upon should be much better and more versatile than this. We have already taken major organizational measures to quicken the development process and of them was hiring several new experienced developers to our team. With this new blood we hope to move on faster and hopefully release this important functionality by the end of the year.
Best regards,