Assembly File size


It seems that we will use most of Aspose.Total components in our product. We want to minimize size of the setup file. Aspose dll’s take more than 70 MB. Do you have any suggestions for our requirement?

Thank you,

Hi Huseyin,

Aspose APIs provide a lot of features to create, convert, print and manipulate many file formats and currently there is no way to reduce the size of Aspose DLLs.

Can you please share a complete list of features are you using? We will further discuss with the development teams if we can provide a subset of features depending on your requirement.

Best Regards,

Hi Muhammad,

Thank you for your kind interest.

We are using Aspose libraries for extracting text (with position info such as page, slide number, etc) from documents, converting some parts (pages, etc) of documents in HTML and image format with highlighting feature. The scenario is same for e-mail case, we are listing and fetching e-mails and additionaly, we send e-mail.

Best regards,

Hi Huseyin,

Thanks for the addition information. We will check the feasibility of reducing DLL sizes based on your requirements and will let you know.

Best Regards,

Hi Huseyin,

Unfortunately it is not possible for us to share truncated versions of the DLLs because it will raise quality and maintenance issues. You can distribute these DLLs separately instead of making them party of your installer to reduce the size of installer.

Best Regards,