AutoFitRow + Rotated Text


I have a row which has cells which contain text rotated at 75 degrees.

However, calling Excel.AutoFitRow on this row does not expand the cells height to contain all the text.

Is this the expected outcome? If so, what can I do to ensure that the cell height is enlarged to encompass all the text?

Many thanks,


Hi Justin,

Currently AutoFitRow doesn't work with rotated text.

Ok - my next question is inevitably going to be: Is this functionality going to be supported in a future release?



Hi Justin,

I will support this feature but I need to do some invesigation. Generally I think I can make it in about one month.


can u tell me if u fixed the problem with autofitrow method for roated text?
In my demo it does not work.


Sorry, this feature is still not support yet. I will make it in the next week.