Automatic Assmble pdf files to a single one


i need to perform the following actions and need to know if this is possible to do with this product before purchasing it.

1. make a single pdf file out of several files (around 40 files).

2. remove the original header and footer from each file, and add a new header and footer to the assembled one (result pdf).

3. create an automatic table of content page includign only specific pdf file (from the oroginal list).

4. create an automatic bookmark for each pdf file in the result one.

5. in the result header, add the page number.

6. changing the font of the assembled PDF.

7. scan a given directory and assemble all the pdf files in it with given definition (font, header, footer and so on)- using the API.

is there an API for each of the above featurs, can you send me an example core in .NET (VB)?

does the product requirs any DB or application server?



You can use Class PdfFileEditor to concatenate multi-PDF to one. Please refer:

  1. Removing/Adding header and footer is not support now, but adding header and footer is under developing now.

3,4. You can use the CreateBookmark function to create table of content or bookmark. Please refer:

  1. You can use Class PdfFileStamper’s method AddPageNumber to add page number.

  2. Changing font of the exist file is not supportted.

  3. Asseming all the pdf files with given definition is not supportted.

Any more questions are welcome.