Automatically added attachments

Could it be possible that, through some advanced feature (e.g. Mail Merge or VBA Macros) in the Word document, attachments are automatically added to the generated PDF document?
[Pseudo Code]

Aspose.Words.Document wordDoc = new Document(wordMemoryStream);
wordDoc.Save(xmlStream, SaveFormat.AsposePdf);
Aspose.Pdf.Pdf pdfDoc = new Pdf();
pdfDoc.BindXml(xmlStream, null);

Could it be possible that attachments were added automatically somewhere in the Aspose framework during the above code execution?
I ask this because viruses can be added to PDF documents as attachments and I want to be sure that this doesn’t happen in our system.

Hello Patriek,
Thanks for your interest in our product.
During the Word to PDF conversion process, first Aspose.Words transforms the contents of word document into an XML document and then Aspose.Pdf uses the same XML file to generate the PDF. Therefore, Aspose.Pdf does not add any information by its own while generating the document. As far as I’ve understood from your query, I think Aspose.Words team can answer this query in better way. For your convenience, I’m moving this thread to Aspose.Words forum


Thanks for your request. Embedded resources and macros are not output into PDF document. So there cannot be any problems with viruses during converting.
Best regards.