Avoid to add duplicate items in folder of a pst file

How can i avoid to add duplicates mail in a folder of a pst file?


Thank you for contacting Aspose Support.

You may use the code snippet given below to check if an email already exists in the PST file.

MapiMessage mapiMessage = MapiMessage.FromFile(MessageToBeAdded);
using (PersonalStorage pst = PersonalStorage.FromFile(PstFile))
    FolderInfo folderInfo = pst.RootFolder.GetSubFolder("Inbox");
    if(!MessageExists(pst, folderInfo, mapiMessage.InternetMessageId))

public static bool MessageExists(PersonalStorage pst, FolderInfo folderInfo, string internetMessageId)
    bool MessageExists = false;
    foreach (MessageInfo message in folderInfo.EnumerateMessages())
        MapiProperty MessageId = pst.ExtractProperty(
        message.EntryId, MapiPropertyTag.PR_INTERNET_MESSAGE_ID_W);
        if (MessageId.ToString() == internetMessageId)
            MessageExists = true;
    return MessageExists;

We hope that this answered your question. Please feel free to reach us if additional information is required.