Axis title in cells


How i can remove axis title from chart?

i try:
chart.getCategoryAxis().getTitle().setText( null );
not working.

Aspose.cells 7.0.2

Thank you.


We have tested the code:


and found the title of category axis can be removed successfully. So please try the latest fix: v7.0.2.5, if you still find the issue, please send us your code and template file to reproduce the issue, we will check it soon.

Thank you.

I check my chart.getCategoryAxis().getTitle() == null and check other axis title == null (i’m not insert axis title) but by default in my chart write “Axis title”. How i can remove this? This came after the change of the library on 7.0.2.
Thank you.


Please try the latest fix as we suggested you in previous post: v7.0.2.5, if you still find the issue, kindly give us sample code to reproduce the issue on our end, also attach the output file here. We will check it soon.

Thank you.