Barcode image quality seems to vary depending on the OS

It seems like the quality of the (QR) barcode images - or at least of the caption - varies depending on what operating system is used.

On my WinXP system they look just fine, on a Win7 they look somewhat out-of-focus - but both files are the same size. Image files are attached.

Code snippet:

string caption = “AN 110444”;
string codetext = “SYSLOGPPS:V:1;T:1;F:1;D0:3;D1:110444;D2:AN;D3: ;D4: ;D5: ;DT:0;DA: ;TS:20110218T124432;;”;

BarCodeBuilder writer = new BarCodeBuilder();
writer.AutoSize = true;
writer.SymbologyType = Aspose.BarCode.Symbology.QR;
writer.CodeText = codetext;
writer.CodeLocation = CodeLocation.None;

Aspose.BarCode.Caption caption_below = new Caption();
caption_below.Text = caption;
caption_below.TextAlign = System.Drawing.StringAlignment.Center;
writer.CaptionBelow = caption_below;

writer.Save(“AsposeBCWTest-QR-Test.bmp”, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
So…what do I have to do to produce consistent results?


Thank you for inquiry.

I have also noticed the visual difference in captions and also reproduced in my local environment as well. I ran exactly the same executables on both Win7 x64 and XP x86. We will look into this issue and will inform you about our findings.


Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 will turn on the ClearType text by default that causes the problem. We're doing research for this issue and will keep you update if any progress.


The issues you have found earlier (filed as 24931) have been fixed in this update.

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Please add the following line to the above code for displaying the same quality of captions on barcode on both Windows XP and 7.

writer.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;