BindXml : (500) Internal Server Error


We are evaluating Aspose.pdf but we could not succeed converting xml file generated by our software.
When we call BindXml( xmlfile, xsltfile) it generates following exception :

{System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.

I am sending our sample xml and xslt files as attachments. We will puchase the component on success of this test, therefore will be waiting for your support.

Hi Namık,

for using our products.

have tested the scenario and I am able to notice the same problem. For the sake
of correction, I have logged this issue as PDFNEWNET-36087 in our
issue tracking system. We will further look into the details of this problem and
will keep you updated on the status of correction. Please be patient and spare
us little time. We are sorry for this inconvenience.

Thanks for your patience.

We have further investigated the issue PDFNEWNET-36087 reported earlier and as per our observations, the 500 Error just says that some error occurred on web server, without any further explanations.

However the problem is obvious.

Please note that BindXML expects that summary XML (that it will get after applying XSLT to that supplied XML), will contain special tags related to PDF document object model. Something similar to following XML after translation.


<?xml=1.0 encoding="utf-8" ?>

<Pdf xmlns=“Aspose.Pdf” xmlns:xsi=“” xsi:schemaLocation=“Aspose.Pdf
C:\PROGRA~1\Aspose\ASPOSE~1.NET\Xml\Aspose.Pdf.xsd” DestinationType=“FitPage”>
<Section ID=“section1” PageMarginLeft=“1cm” PageMarginRight=“1cm” PageMarginTop=“4.5cm” PageMarginBottom=“3.5cm” PageSize=“A4”>
<All BorderStyle=“Normal”></All>
<Image ID=“id1” File=“PDFNET-15770-1.gif” Type=“Gif” FixHeight=“5cm” FixWidth=“15cm” Alignment=“Center” MarginTop=“1cm”></Image>
<Image ID=“id2” File=“PDFNET-15770-2.gif” Type=“Gif” FixHeight=“10cm” FixWidth=“15cm” Alignment=“Center” MarginTop=“1cm”></Image>
<Text MarginLeft=“2cm” MarginRight=“2cm” FontName=“Arial” MarginTop=“1cm”>
<All BorderStyle=“Normal”></All>
<Segment IsTrueTypeFontBold=“true” FontSize=“12”>Commentaires :#$NL</Segment>

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<Image ID=“id3” File=“PDFNET-15770-3.gif” Type=“Gif” FixHeight=“10cm” FixWidth=“15cm” Alignment=“Center” MarginTop=“1cm”></Image>
<Image ID=“id4” File=“PDFNET-15770-4.gif” Type=“Gif” FixHeight=“10cm” FixWidth=“15cm” Alignment=“Center” MarginTop=“1cm”></Image>

But, as we can see from set of sample files, the XML+XSLT cannot generate XML that make sense for BindXml method. Please ensure that XML which you get after applying XSLT to XML looks like aforementioned XML suitable for BindXml method. In the event of any further query, please feel free to contact.