Body of an attachment

How do you extract the body of an attachment?

Here’s the code:

foreach (Attachment attachment in Email.Attachments)

What property contains the body (text) of the attachment?

Also, I noticed the From Property is a collection.
It’s possible to have multiple Froms?

Hi Joel,

Thank you for contacting Aspose Support team.

You can access the content stream of the attachment and then read it into a buffer or save to disc. However, there is no direct property that can give you the text of a text attachment in a message.

Can you please point us to where you found the Form Property as a collection? From property is assumed to contain a single address.

Thank you for your response.

I kind of figured so.
Do you have any code examples?

RE: Ftom property:
It's defined as MailAddress - which handles miltiple instances

Below Code:

MailMessage poEmail = client.FetchMessage(i);
string psFrom = poEmail.From[0].ToString();

Again Thank you...

Never mind - I figured a way.

Don’t take this a criticism - because it’s not.
To say I happy with your dll is an understatement.

However, in the old dll (which had many problems)
They had a quick method that sucked in the whole text.
Instead of having save and read and delete.


Hi Joel,

Thank you for the feedback.

Following sample code can be used to fetch the attachment body. Please give it a try and let us know the feedback.

MailMessage msg = MailMessage.Load("Sample.msg");
Attachment att = msg.Attachments[0];

using (var reader = new StreamReader(att.ContentStream, Encoding.UTF8))
    var content = reader.ReadToEnd();
    File.WriteAllText("AttachmentText.txt", content);