Bug when cell text has font formatting


We are having problem when reading Excel doc where the first word has some text attribute set, say Bold. After document is saved and then re-openned again the whole text in a cell has those attributes (in this case BOLD), not just the first word.


Dear Mark,

It’s better for us to investigate the issue if you can send a sample spreadsheet as well as vb/c# code to excel@aspose.com.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Happy holidays.

Dear Mark,

Thanks for your consideration.

Now Aspose.Excel doesn’t support multiple styles within a single cell. Please refer to https://forum.aspose.com/t/119518.

You can seperate the string to several cells and set font style in a single cell.

If this feature is important to you, please tell me your expected availalibilty time. I will arrange time to implement it.

Dear Mark,

Now Aspose.Excel support multiple font style in a single cell in designer file.
Please download


I’m evaluating Aspose Excel. One “nice to have” feature we’ve been looking into is this feature of different pieces of text in the same cell having different styles applied to them.

How do you do this in Aspose Excel?



Dear Haydn,

Thanks for your consideration.

Now Aspose.Excel support this feature in designer file. That means that you create a template file and set different pieces of text in the same cell having different styles applied to them. Aspose.Excel can import them and export to the result file.