Bug with Validation and Cells.InsertRows


I got a strange bug when using Validation and Cells.InsertRows

If I have a Validation of type ValidationType.WholeNumber And OperatorType.Between in sheet. The formula1 value is changed to formula2 when I use Cells.InsertRows.

For instance

Validation validation = sheet.Validations[sheet.Validations.Add()];

validation.Type = Aspose.Cells.ValidationType.WholeNumber;

validation.Operator = OperatorType.Between;

validation.IgnoreBlank = true;

validation.Formula1 = 2;

validation.Formula2 = 20;

sheet.Cells.InsertRows(0, 2);

The validation.Formula1 is after InsertRows changed to 20 (same as Formula2) !!

Best regards,

Kent Vo

Hi Kent,

Thanks for pointing it out.

We found the issue retreiving value using validation.Formula1 attribute at runtime although it works fine and the ouput file shows proper validation crieteria opening it into MS Excel.

We will figure out the issue soon.

Thank you.