
I'm using an image to use as a bullet point. I load it via the GetResourceAsStream which gives me an inputstream of my image I then do the following:

PictureBullit pb = new PictureBullet ( myPresentation, myImageInputStream );


This works fine when i run my program locally in eclipse with apose slides placed in the external library of my project however when i deploy the code in a jar file and run it via a web server I get the following error


I know the input stream is holding the image okay so why is it not getting set properly. The only difference is the code is been run from a jar file using aspose.slides jar as an external library (which is also deployed for access by my jar file ).

Is there a resource needed in the Jar that Im misisng?


This error is due to Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) not installed on your server. Please see Q1 in Frequently Asked Questions.