Calculation time increasing issue


We have evaluated your issue further.
Well, even though new versions can work with normal mode (without debug options), the calculation still needs to calculate formulas recursively and repeatedly. This causes deep stack when calculating formulas. To avoid StackOverflowError, we have to throw some kind of exception to handle the calculation stack. And it is just the try…catch blocks for handling exceptions which caused performance issue in debug mode.

For your situation, we think it has to be solved by using the option to avoid calculating cells recursively.

Thank you.
Hi. Thank you for reply. But can you clarify some details:

1) Why you throw some exception (which absorbed within library and slowdown debug process), instead of performing a simple checking a circular references (like HashSet of Cells within calculation stack), which will break calculation?

2) What should we expect for new version (will you return back possibility to old behavior of calculation)

Best regards


This is to inform you that from v8.9.0.10 (we will share the Download link here soon), we provide new option for calculating formulas:
With this option, you need to use the old logic which worked with older versions of Aspose.Cells and change the code of calculating formulas:
cell.calculate(true, null);
CalculationOptions copts = new CalculationOptions();

Thank you.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSJAVA-41925) have been fixed in this update.

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