Can we apply the license as many times as needed in multiple methods?

We had an issue where the full license we own was not activating. We believe it relates to the application having many threads and sometime the threads are aborted. The issue is that the ASPOSE.Total.License file is not applied for some reason when ASPOSE dll methods are called and go into ‘Evaluation mode’.

Therefore, we have added the ASPOSE license call in every method, is there a negative impact for this or not recommended?

Thank you


Thank you for your inquiry. It is necessary to set Aspose license before using any functionality of Aspose component. It is always recommended to set Aspose license in the start method of the application. Doing this will guarantee that Aspose license is set and you are ready to consume any other functionality of the API. It will effect application run time as calling again and again the set Aspose license logic definitely takes time.

Great thank you. We do have this in every method now. However, we had concerns about performance and also, in multiple threads it is called and usually it runs fine but we are seeing this error logged:

“Bad signed black licenses list.”

I have another thread / question about this here but I think it is related to this, can you advise?


Thank you for your feedback. Can you please specify which Aspose component you use when you encounter this error? This will pinpoint and let us to resolve the issue quickly.