Can we Exclude the Record having formating issuewhile exporting data from worksheet

I am trying to export data from Worksheet to Datatable and i want to exclude the row if it has dirty data i.e. not in supported format, and continue exporting. Is it possible with Aspose.cell Export function.

Thnx in Advance

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Hi Suman,

"i want to exclude the row if it has dirty data i.e. not in supported format, and continue exporting"

Could you elaborate and give us more details what do you mean by dirty data and for what criteria the data would be dirty? Why you want to exclude it and how we come to know the data is dirty.

Well, the Cells.ExportDataTable() method would export the data in a sequence of data range of cells in the worksheet. I think you may delete those records before exporting to data table as a workaround.

Thank you.