Cannot display some baltic characters (lithuanian)

Hello there,

I am using Aspose.Pdf version 1.5.28 and I’ve just encountered some problem displaying all the baltic characters contained in my document. While some characters are properly displayed (like ?), some are replaced by space characters!

My questions:
- Does my current version of Aspose.Pdf is properly supporting the baltic characters?
- If not, does the latest version (2.0 or so) is supporting them?

You can see below a simple XML file and my XSL template to generate a pdf file via Aspose.
The tag contains some baltic characters I wan’t to print in the PDF file.

Am I missing something?



XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

XSL file:
<xsl:stylesheet version=‘1.0’ xmlns:xsl=‘XSLT Namespace’>
<xsl:template match=“/”>

This is the bad text: <xsl:value-of select=“//BadText”/>


Dear Marc,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

You should update to the latest version and use unicode. Please also install Microsoft Essential Fonts as well.

Hello Tommy,

Thanks for your answer. We’re very pleased with the version we’re using (1.5.28) so far. So before upgrading and paying for a new version, I want to be sure it will solve my problem. In my last post, I’ve included a very simple example of an XML file containing baltic characters and a template file used by Aspose.Pdf. Is it possible to test it using your version and tell me if it’s working fine?

And since we have the 1.5.28 version, is it possible to buy an upgrade of Aspose.Pdf?
Or we have to buy to whole 2.0 version?

Thank you in advance,


Dear Marc,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

You can easyly download a hotfix and test your code before you really upgrade the component. I have tested and it works fine with the following change of your xslt:

This is the bad text: <xsl:value-of select="//BadText"/>

Please contact sales about the price to upgrade.

Thank you guys for your answers!

It does solve my problem and now I know I can test Hotfixes without a proper license file!


Hello again,

I’ve upgraded to the latest version and downloaded the proper license file for the “Site Professional Subscription” we bought last year. I then tried using “Arial” fonts with the IsUnicode attribute in the XSL stylesheet to properly display all the baltic characters.

But I’m getting the following error message:

“Custom font is not supported in this edition. The font name is Arial: Unfortunately, this feature is only available in Enterprise Edition, but your license is for Professional Edition. Please contact Aspose to upgrade your license.”

Using “Helvetica” works but is not fixing my baltic problem. Do you know of another font I can use with my Professional license that will fix my problem?

Thanks in advance!


Dear Marc,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

Sorry. The base 14 fonts can’t meet your requirement. You have to use unicode which is supported in Enterprise edition only.