Cannot find class ToggleButtonActiveXControl

Hello everyone:

I'm new guy in the forum, when i was installing the Aspose.Cells in my php ev, there was problem occurred as below:   
          Fatal error: Class 'ToggleButtonActiveXControl' not found in C:\Apache24\htdocs\AsposeCells.php on line 40444
 i used javaBridge to call the function of AsposeCells.jar in my php file, every class in AsposeCells i could call except the "ButtonActiveXControl" like 'ToggleButtonActiveXControl' , "CommonToggleButtonActiveXControl', etc. Anyone could help me to figure out what problem is!"

Thanks a lot!


Thanks for considering Aspose APIs.

Please first make sure, you are using the most recent version of Aspose.Cells for Java.

Please call this method and it will return you version number of Aspose.Cells for Java at runtime


System.out.println("Aspose.Cells for Java v" + CellsHelper.getVersion());

Console Output

Aspose.Cells for Java v17.7.0

Download Link

If you still face issue with the most recent version, then share with us your PHP code and some screenshots showing the error and your environment. Please also share your environment details or anything that you think will help us replicate this issue. Thanks for your cooperation in this regard and have a good day.