Cannot find text with Hebrew regex

Hi Team!

There is an issue when searching for Hebrew text in PDF with regex. I have a C# Regex object with a Hebrew pattern and when I use the TextFragmentAbsorber it doesn’t find anything but the attached pdf file contains the text that should be matched.

When I extract the Page text with the TextAbsorber the searched word contains some spaces in the output text and I don’t know why.

Pdf file: test-dlp.pdf (46.4 KB)

Regex pattern: סודי

Sample Project: (2.0 KB)

Aspose.PDF: 24.1.0

If I change the pattern (reverse and add spaces) then there is a match. Edited pattern: י ס וד

What is the reason the original pattern doesn’t match and why there are extra spaces in the extracted text?

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Issue ID(s): PDFNET-56566

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