Caption Labels of Figures

I want to insert a figure caption in my word document. In order to do so I use the Aspose Word API to insert a field. E.g. builder.insertField("SEQ Figure \ ARABIC", “1”);* inserts the caption of the first picture with the caption label “Figure”.
However, for other languages the caption label is different, e.g. in German the caption label is “Abbildung” (builder.insertField("SEQ Abbildung \ ARABIC", “1”);* ).
Is there any possibility to determine the default caption label with the Aspose Word API? This is important because I need to know the caption label to generate a listing of figures.
Thanks a lot for your help and thanks so much for supporting me in the past (it’s outstanding how quick you guys response).


Thanks for your request. The default caption label depends on the current culture. So if you generate documents on client’s PC, you can just determine culture and select the appropriate label.
Best regards.