Cell ID

Can I get the value of the cell in the client side by document.getElementById("GridWeb1_9#10).value?

Is there any ways I can get the value of any cell (not just the active cell) , like using J11 or GridWeb1_10#9 ? I mean any means other than passing row and column? Thank you very much.


Well, there is no such flexibility available (document.getElementById("GridWeb1_9#10).value), we will check if we can support it.

I think you may try some workaround if it fits your need.

.cs file

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


// Put user code to initialize the page here

if (!IsPostBack)


GridWeb1.WebWorksheets[0].Cells["J11"].PutValue("Hello world!");

GridWeb1.Attributes["cellval"] = GridWeb1.WebWorksheets[0].Cells["J11"].StringValue;



in .html source (javascript code)


<form id="form1" runat="server">


<agw:GridWeb id="GridWeb1" runat="server" XhtmlMode="true" Height="226px" OnSubmitClientFunction = "onSubmit"></agw:GridWeb>



<script language="javascript">

function onSubmit(arg, cancelEdit)


var cval = GridWeb1.cellval;





Thank you.

I’ll try this. Thank you.


You may get cell's value at client side just like this:

var value = GridWeb1.getCellValue(row, column); // row and column are 0 based


var cell = GridWeb1.getCell(row, column);

var value = GridWeb1.getCellValueByCell(cell);

For more details, please look into the Client Scripting Demos of the GridWeb.

Thank you.