Cells don´t show formulas results

Hi, i have instaled the latest version of Aspose.Cells (4.8.2) and i have come across one problem regarding formulas.

The following lines of code worked fine in the version that was upgraded (
sheet.Cells[r, c].R1C1Formula = “=IF(R[-4]C[0]=0,0,IF(R[-2]C[0]=0,0,R[-4]C[0]/R[-2]C[0]))”;
sheet.Cells[r, c].Style.Custom = “€ #,##0.0”;

But in the version 4.8.2 when the table that i create with Aspose.Cells is embed in PPT file (Aspose.Slides) the cells to witch i apply the custom style, the results are not calculated.

When i open the PPT, double click the excel object and edit it and then close it, all the results from formulas become visible.

I send you one slide in witch you can see what i have just reported.

Is there something that i am doing wrong?



I think you should call Workbook.CalculateFormula() before taking the image of the sheet to calculate all the formulas in the spreadsheet.

If you still find the issue, kindly do create a sample project to show the issue, we will check it soon.

Thank you.