cells.Find method not working when upgrade to Aspose


We were using Aspose with version 5.0 previously. Now we have upgraded to Aspose
As the FindString(string,cell) method is deprecated, we have replaced it with Find(object,cell,findoption). We are facing “object reference not set to an instance of an object” with the sheet.cells.Find method. Please let us know the specifications of the cellarea that has to be given to the findoptions in this case.

As an example,

Before upgradtion,

After Upgradation,
Dim area As CellArea
area.StartColumn = 0
area.EndColumn = sheet.Cells.MaxDataColumn
area.StartRow = 0
area.EndRow = sheet.Cells.MaxDataRow

Dim optionFind As FindOptions = New FindOptions

sheet.Cells.Find(“description”, Nothing, optionFind)

Please help in resolving this issue.


Hi Varsha,

Please follow up on your other thread with same concerns. Moreover, it would be appropriate that you should test the scenario against the latest version of the API in order to rule out the possibility of a bug regarding this feature. In case you still experience the same exception, we need your source spreadsheet to properly evaluate the case on our end.