ChangeMaster crashes when working on slides with charts

I downloaded some previous versions and noticed the bug was introduced in the latest hotfix ( Here’s some reproduce code (ppt-files are attached).

Presentation tpl = new Presentation(“template.pot”);
Presentation pres = new Presentation(“test.ppt”);

Slide sld = pres.GetSlideByPosition(2);

sld = pres.CloneSlide(sld, 1, tpl, new SortedList());
sld = tpl.GetSlideByPosition(1);

Update: I’ve updated the attachment to include a presentation (test2.ppt) containing a slide with an embedded movie that also fails when running ChangeMaster.

Sorry, that’s my bug and will be fixed in a few hours.


Verify that presentation doesn't contain unsupported embedded objects

Could that make it into the new hotfix as well?

Bug has been fixed in 2.5.13.
Also it can clone slides with PICT images now.

Excellent. Thanks.