Changing Backgrounds

I’ve been able to change the backgrounds of individual Shapes but do not see a way to change the background of an entire slide. Can this be done?

Nevermind, I figured it out. Unless I’m just missing it, the availability of the getFillFormat function in the Background Class is not documented in your online API:

This is what I did using ColdFusion:

<cfset mySlide.setFollowMasterBackground(false)>
<cfset mySlide.getBackground().getFillFormat().setType(2)>
<cfset mySlide.getBackground().getFillFormat().setGradientStyle(2)>
<cfset mySlide.getBackground().getFillFormat().setGradientColorType(1)>
<cfset mySlide.getBackground().getFillFormat().setBackColor(Color1.white)>
<cfset mySlide.getBackground().getFillFormat().setForeColor(Color1.cyan)>

Dear cleesmith,

It will also be useful for you to read Developer Guide section on Aspose.Slides Wiki.

Thank you for bring into our notice the undocumented API