Chart covered with transparent rectangle on pptx to html conversion


We are using Aspose.Slides for .NET 20.6.0 to convert pptx files to html using the following code:


using (Presentation presentation = new Presentation(inputFilePath))
        new HtmlOptions
            SvgResponsiveLayout = true,
            HtmlFormatter = HtmlFormatter.CreateDocumentFormatter("", false),

When converting chart.pptx from the archive attached, we get an svg in which the chart content is covered by a transparent rectangle like this:
image.png (28.2 KB)

This is a problem for us as we would like to attach onclick event handlers to the of text on the chart. If this transparent rectangle is present, only the rectangle gets the click event, not the elements below it.

Is there any reason for this transparent rectangle to be overlayed? (I.e. is this a bug or a feature? I could come up with some hack to detect/remove it but I was thinking why it’s there in the first place…) (36.9 KB)



This is behavior of API owing to current implementation. However, we are in active phase to implement raw HTML export in API. A ticket with ID SLIDESNET-42026 has been added in our issue tracking system to address the requirement. We will share the good news with you as soon as the issue will be addressed.