Chart shadow and glow effect not showing in the image


The shadow and glow affect for chart series not showing when convert a chart to image. I upload the .xlsx output and chart image output. you can see the shadow and glow effect missing in the image.


chart.NSeries(0).Border.IsVisible = True
chart.NSeries(0).Border.Color = System.Drawing.Color.White
'chart.NSeries(0).Border.Weight = Drawing.WeightType.SingleLine
'chart.NSeries(0).Border.Transparency = 0.5

chart.NSeries(0).Shadow = True
Dim shpt As Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePropertyCollection = chart.NSeries(0).ShapeProperties

Dim shadowEffect As Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShadowEffect = shpt.ShadowEffect
Dim cellcolor As CellsColor = book.CreateCellsColor()
cellcolor.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow

shadowEffect.PresetType = PresetShadowType.OffsetBottom
shadowEffect.Color = cellcolor
shadowEffect.Transparency = 0.6
shadowEffect.Size = 1
shadowEffect.Blur = 26
shadowEffect.Angle = 90
shadowEffect.Distance = 5

Dim glowEffect As Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GlowEffect = shpt.GlowEffect
cellcolor = book.CreateCellsColor()
cellcolor.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow

glowEffect.CellsColor = cellcolor
glowEffect.Transparency = 0.6
glowEffect.Radius = 18


Hi Wei,

Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells.

We were able to observe this issue after running your sample code with the latest version: Aspose.Cells
for .NET v8.1.2.1
Chart shadow and glow effect shows in the output Excel but when the chart is converted to image, they do not shown up.

We have logged this issue in our database for investigation. We will look into it and fix this issue. Once, the issue is resolved or we have some other update for you, we will let you know asap.

This issue has been logged as CELLSNET-42869.

Hi Wei,

Thanks for your using Aspose.Cells.

We have evaluated this issue and we are afraid, we cannot support shadow and glow effect for converting chart or shape to image. We have therefore closed this issue as Won’t Fix in our database.