Chart Title Font Not Changed

Chart title and chart x-axis and y-axis title fonts are not changed when Excel file is saved as html

– view —
image.png (9.5 KB)


String fontPath = request.getServletContext().getRealPath(“WEB-INF/config/font”);
FontConfigs.setFontFolder( fontPath + “/malgun”, true);
ChartCollection cc = sheet.getCharts();
cc.get(j).getTitle().getFont().setName(“맑은 고딕”);
cc.get(j).getTitle().getTextFont().setName(“맑은 고딕”);


Thanks for the screenshot and sample code.

Could you provide us template file (containing the chart) and underlying font (you may zip the files to make an archive to attach it here or via some third party file sharing service), we will check it soon.

Also, please try our latest version/fix: Aspose.Cells for Java if it makes any difference:
Aspose.Cells for Java (Latest Version)

Thank you.