Chart to Linq

I have a chart on aspose cell and using java.
How can i make use of the Linq command
<<image [image_expression]>> using Word
when to the image_expression i wont to be the chart.
We now that Image_expression can be :

  1. A byte array containing an image data
  2. A Stream instance able to read an image data
  3. An Image object
  4. A string containing an image URI, path, or Base64-encoded image data

The fourth solution isn’t efficent there is a way using the onther three.
I can’t find a way to convert a chart to stream
Thank you

@caiupi If you need to insert a chart form excel to MS Word using LINQ Reporting engine, you need first render the chart to image and then use <<image [image_expression]>> expression. You can use Aspose.Cells Chart.toImage method to convert the chart to an image. But you should note that in this case the chart will be inserted as an image.
You can also generate a chart from your data using LINQ reporting engine. In this case chart will be represented as MS Word chart object.