Chart toImage issues on Docker

We are having an issue with Chart.toImage API, I’ll describe it in general, and will provide an example.
We would like to understand whether this is somehow a known issue that can be worked around.
If additional info is required, please let me know.

We are using JAVA service which is running on Docker on Azure cloud as a kubernetes pod

It uses Aspose.Cells version 21.7 (there are some issues with upgrading).

When we try to export chart to images (using the Chart.toImage API) it works well on local machine (see usage-local.jpg), but when it runs on Docker, the result are different (see usage-from-docker.jpg). The diference in this case is the lack of the months text below the x axis.

We have more example where it happens.

Is this a known issue?
Any ideas what can be done in order to resolve it?

The zip file (903.9 KB) contain the original Excel and the results



Thanks for the template file and image files.

We enhanced the rendering APIs for different environments recently in newer versions/fixes. We fixed similar issues for chart to image conversions. Please try using our latest version Aspose.Cells for Java v22.3 and let us know if you still find the issue with the APIs.