Check box form field can not show

Hi, I’m using words.dll, pdf.dll
I have a checkbox form field in the copy.doc
when I convert it to pdf in my local machine, I generated the file copy1.pdf.
However, after I deployed the web program to other machine, I generated the file copy2.pdf
In page 3, Item 5(a), the check box form fields yes/no can not show correctly in copy2.pdf.
I don’t know why copy1.pdf and copy2.pdf are different.
Even I install the font form my machine to another machine, it can not show correctly in copy2.pdf
Please help.

Thank you for reporting this.
This case is a known issue with Aspose.Pdf. The developers are working on it. On some machines check boxes are converted to different characters such as pound sign.
As a workaround you can try installing "Wingdings 2" font on that machine. But first please check whether it is already there. Maybe this issue can have another reason. If so please provide configuration information: processor architecture, operating system, MS Office version if any installed.

After install Wingding2 font in the server, the check box still change to pound character, the window is MS Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition, and no office installed, do I need to install something (eg: Office) to fix this problem?
Please help, other than check box, any suggestion I can do to replace the checkbox form field?
I’m using the following code to check the box:

doc1.Range.FormFields("Check1").Checked = True


Installing Wingdings 2 should help. We have checked this once more. How do you install it?
Start -> Control Panel -> Fonts.
In the menu: File -> Install new font.
Please try this way. If this still doesn’t help you can install MS Office on the server as a workaround.


The bug has been fixed. Please
try the attached dll before our new hotfix. To get right result, please
make sure the font “WINGDNG 2” is installed on your machine. I have
also attached the font file. If the font is not installed, little rectangle signs will be rendered as the english currency pound sign (£). Thanks.

Best regards

Hi Hans I am in dire need of a fix for the pound sign checkbox dilema!!!
I am running the latest version of ASPOSE and the checkbox looks fine on my development laptop, but, does not translate properly on our remote customer test server!!!

In the thread I am replying to, you sent fixes to the writer. Can you send me fixes?


Those check boxes are not check box forms. In fact, they are characters in “Wingdings” font. Please check the xml fragement(generated by Aspose.Words):


If the font “Wingdings” is not installed, the default font “Times New Roman” will be used. That’s why the little rectangle sign displays like english currency pound sign (£).
The character doesn’t display properly on your remote customer test server. I think the font “Wingdings” is not installed on the server. If you generate pdf on the server, please make sure the font is installed to get expected results. If you just show an exist pdf file on the server, please add the following code before Pdf.Save() method when you creating the pdf file:

pdf.TextInfo.IsFontEmbedded = true;

I have also attached our latest dll. Please try it.