Check compatibility of Aspose.Words for JAsposerReprots with the latest version of JasperReports


We need to use new features of jasperreports 6.11.0
Your compatibility matrix only mentionned jasperreports 6.0.9

Could you please check the compatibility of your lib Aspose.Words for JasperReports with latest jasperreports versions.
Our first check seems fine but we’d like to be sure we won’t have any troubles latter.

At least 6.11.0

For information the 6.12.1 has been released too yesterday.



We have logged a ticket as WORDSJR-282 in our issue tracking system for your requirement. We will check the compatibility of Aspose.Words for JAsposerReprots with the latest version of JasperReports and inform you via this forum thread once there is an update available on it.