Check if bookmark is in table

What’s the best way to get all parent nodes of a node - I need to check a document & see if a bookmark is within a table?

Hi Melissa,

Thanks for your inquiry. I think in your case you can use Node.GetAncestor method. For example the following code checks if the bookmark is in a table.

// Open document.

Document doc = new Document(@“Test001\in.doc”);

// Get some bookmark.

Bookmark bk = doc.Range.Bookmarks[“bk2”];

// Get bk ancestor ot Table type.

Node tableAncestor = bk.BookmarkStart.GetAncestor(NodeType.Table);

// If ancestor of Table type is not null, the bookmark is inside table.

bool isInTable = tableAncestor != null;

Hope this helps.

Best regards,